Showreel 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010


During the summer I was involved in the making of the short film, 'Signs', which was funded by the Irish Film Boards', Virtual Cinema Scheme. The Film was written/directed/produced by Vincent Gallagher. Grace Chan and myself created the animation and had some great help by the amazing Rory Wolahan. Director of photography Stevie Russell, music Andy Walsh and sound design George Brennan.
The Film was screened during the Dark Light Festival at The Social bar on the 29th oct, and is now available to watch by clicking on the poster.
Hope you enjoy.


  1. Don't you mean the amazing Rory Nolan! :P
    Nah, well done on the film Billy, yourself and Grace did a great job!

  2. Hey man congrads on the film for the Galway film fest. How is everything in a man and ink going.
